<![CDATA[Computer Maven - Blog]]>Sun, 20 Oct 2024 02:43:06 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[Dell XPS 8930 goes immediately to Bios Screen]]>Fri, 14 Jun 2024 23:22:47 GMThttps://computermaven.net/blog/dell-xps-8930-goes-immediately-to-bios-screenJust remember, results may vary.  And all my disclaimers below apply.

1. Cold boot goes to Bios Screen
2. Restart may go to Bios or boot normally.

1. Remove Microsoft USB Transceiver for wireless keyboard and mouse.

Note: The transceiver would work fine after the boot,
USB port on Dell was not bad.
<![CDATA[Doubleclicking really fast can lead to unintended consequences.]]>Tue, 30 Jan 2024 22:43:36 GMThttps://computermaven.net/blog/doubleclicking-really-fast-can-lead-to-unintended-consequencesUse my suggestions at your own risk!!

Problem: By doubleclicking real fast instead single clicking on Outlook in the Quick Launch section of the taskbar, I would start 2 sessions of Outlook or worse, just have Outlook appear in Taskmgr under Background Processes instead of under Apps.

Solution: After creating the right search query (change interval between mouse clicks), I found ClickFix on GitHub.Com, authored by Jason Cemra.  By checking Left Click and Start on Windows Startup and setting Left Click delay to 82ms did the trick for me.  Fine tuning the delay for your computer might be needed.
<![CDATA[How does one avoid password reset Hell?]]>Tue, 27 Jun 2023 21:04:02 GMThttps://computermaven.net/blog/how-does-one-avoid-password-reset-hellAnother profit center for me is password reset.  Ideally you have a verified backup (cell) phone number and a verified email address.  If this is for your email account(s), you need a 2nd email account as the verified backup.

​Don't ask me why, just do it or you'll be sorry.
<![CDATA[PASSWORDS: Remember, You can take them with you when you go!]]>Tue, 27 Jun 2023 20:48:49 GMThttps://computermaven.net/blog/passwords-remember-you-can-take-them-with-you-when-you-goCaller: OMG I have forgotten my (fill in here) password.  I am at my wits end...

Me: Yes, I can help.

Now, I hear callers say variations of this frequently.  It's great for my business, because tracking down and or resetting passwords can take awhile ($$).

So ask yourself, do I have or know where is a list of my current passwords?
If the answer is no, join the (very large) crowd.  So what are you waiting for?

This is the point where you decide to procrastinate, after all you have better things to do.

<![CDATA[Xfinity/Comcast -unable to connect to most websites?]]>Fri, 06 Dec 2019 18:20:27 GMThttps://computermaven.net/blog/xfinitycomcast-unable-to-connect-to-most-websitesThe other day I found that inside the Comcast Gateway (most folks call it a router) the IPv4 address protocol (which looks like was turned off and only IPv6 was turned on (the "v" stands for version).

The good news is that some websites such as Yahoo.com and Google.com do support both IPv4 and IPv6, but most sites don't - e.g. Cnn.com.

In my client's case, I was able to "reset" (reboot) the Gateway to solve the problem. "Reset" is the name Comcast uses.  I don't recommend resetting to Factory Settings.  YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
<![CDATA[DISCLAIMER]]>Fri, 06 Dec 2019 17:46:25 GMThttps://computermaven.net/blog/disclaimer1. The purpose of this blog is to give my opinions on computer stuff.
2. Use any of my comments or ideas is AT YOUR OWN RISK!
3. As these are my opinions, I can and do screw up on rare occasions (just ask my wife).
4. Remember this blog is for informational purposes only - remember this is free advice and worth every penny.
5. Since this is my blog, I can change it any which way I want.
6. While I am not liable for any mistakes or omissions or errors, if you think you have found one, you can contact me by email at ralph@computermaven.net.
7. Be sure you consult with a professional before taking any kind of action (like me).